mushroom grow kit

Mushroom Grow Kit Guide: How to Get Started

For new growers, a mushroom grow kit is an excellent option for learning and practicing. There are a lot of grow kits on the internet. We selected the top three for you to choose from so that you can learn how to grow mushrooms at home properly.

The work required for these mushroom grow kits differs, as each kit is unique in its own way. For the majority of these mushroom grow kits you won’t need any extra supplies. Although they don’t yield as many mushrooms as when doing it from scratch, it can be a fun and easy way to get introduced to growing your own mushrooms without having to buy any sort of expensive equipment. 

Other top-quality mushrooms grow kits and supplies will let you grow multiple rounds of mushrooms. You can reuse the equipment and grow many different types of mushrooms with the same setup. The guide below will thoroughly explain everything and include these grow kits. 

What Is a Mushroom Grow Kit?

A mushroom grow kit is basically a pre-colonized fruiting block, which has not yet been placed in a setting that will cause it to start fruiting.

A mushroom grow bag is often used to hold the mycelium-covered block, which can remain dormant for a long period, particularly if it is kept cool in the refrigerator.

You can find grow kits for a wide variety of different mushroom species, however, some types make for better kits than others. Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as the oyster mushroom is the mushroom species most frequently seen in grow kits. 

Oyster mushrooms can grow on a wide range of substrates, are very resistant to contamination, and fruit continuously. They are a great choice for a beginner as they are quite persistent and can produce mushrooms even in less-than-ideal growing conditions.

The likelihood of successful yields is increased by the fast growth of the oyster mushrooms. The majority of grow kits require only a few easy steps and very little maintenance, however, if the mushroom block is correctly prepared and put in ideal conditions, the chances of success and the amount of the potential harvest significantly increase.

Fruiting Conditions for Mushroom Grow Kits

Once the mushroom grow kit is opened, it should be stored in fruiting conditions for the biggest yields and best results. Primordia typically arise after a week of storage under ideal circumstances. 

Humidity and fresh air exchange are key components in this stage of mushroom growth. For the fruiting stage of your mushrooms, humidity needs to be kept high so that the mushrooms can grow large and healthy. Discolored, dry, or cracked mushrooms, most of the time, indicate that humidity needs to be increased. It can be improved by indirect misting, the use of a  simple fruiting chamber, or a humidifier.

Fresh air exchange is another key component, and it implies the amount of fresh air moving around the grow kit. While growing, mushrooms produce carbon dioxide which can accumulate within the fruiting. Mushrooms that are stretching or have long stems indicate that the oxygen levels in the fruiting chamber are too low, thus increase in the amount of fresh air is needed. Keep in mind that increasing the fresh air exchange can often directly reduce humidity, it’s important to keep both of these parameters at optimal levels.

Learn the best fruiting conditions for mushrooms here.

1. North Spore Blue Oyster Mushroom Kit

This is a top-rated comprehensive homemade mushroom grow kit for people looking to learn to grow mushrooms. North Spore is a highly rated mushroom growing kit company. This is a great starter kit for those looking to learn with a reliable, easy grow kit that many people have enjoyed.

This grow kit provides a great learning experience for people who want to grow mushrooms on their own.. This mushroom grow kit is a one-time kit, so you will need to get more kits to grow again or learn to grow from more raw, reusable materials.

Learn how to grow mushrooms using the PF Tek Method.

2. Back to the Roots Oyster Grow Kit

Oysters are a fascinating and very well-known mushroom. Oyster mushrooms are a resilient mushroom species, that can withstand even the harshest conditions. This is why it makes such a great grow kit for beginners. 

You will find this to be a great introduction to the world of mushroom growing. We recommend trying out one of these easy mushroom grow kits especially if you are a beginner. Once you master the craft of growing mushrooms from these uncomplicated grow kits, you will easily transition to more advanced techniques and you can upgrade to kit No.1 from this list.

Like the above kit, this kit is ready to go once it arrives at your house. It has very convenient packaging and style that’s fun for families to learn how the mushrooms grow and how to harvest them once they’re fully mature. It doesn’t require any mushroom-growing equipment or experience making it another great pick for newbies. The best part of this kit is that once you successfully cultivate your mushrooms, you will be able to enjoy one of the tastiest mushrooms on earth!

Learn to grow Oyster Mushrooms from scratch on our post here.

3. 2funguys Shiitake Plug Spawn Starter Kit

This is yet another amazing outdoor grow kit. This kit is great for people who like to spend their free time with their families in the comfort of their backyard. This kit will offer you a great learning experience if you are planning on cultivating mushrooms outdoors. The only thing you will need aside from this kit is an oak log. 

In order to cultivate this kit you will need to be armed with patients as it can take up to 9 months from inoculation to first harvest. However, you will have a log that will yield beautiful shiitake mushrooms year after year.


Mushroom grow kits are a great option if you are a beginner mushroom cultivator, or if you just want something quick and easy. In order to learn how to cultivate mushrooms properly the best options would be kits No.2 or No.3 from our list. 

They are easy to maintain and you don’t need a lot of experience to yield big and meaty mushrooms. This will get you familiar with the growing process and best practices regarding the fruiting and harvesting stage of mushrooms. 

Once you master these skills, kit No.1 is the next big step toward learning more about growing mushrooms. It will provide you with everything you need to grow mushrooms at home, plus you will get reusable equipment, which is great if you are looking to grow mushrooms long-term. 

Growing edible mushrooms is a remarkable experience for people who enjoy nature and like to cultivate their own food.

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